Eleni Zeniou


Eleni Zeniou


B. Nut. & Diet. APD

Please note: Eleni currently offers a telehealth-only service through Vera.

Inspired by the influence of nutrition on fertility, pregnancy and the First 1000 Days very early into her dietetics studies, Eleni dedicated herself to becoming an expert in supporting women and has grown into the Fertility & Prenatal Dietitian she is today. 

Eleni believes pregnancy, and the lead-up to, is the best time in a woman's life to build long-term foundational health and nutrition habits. She is passionate about supporting women in achieving their health and wellbeing goals, tailoring protocols to suit every individual's family, preferences, culture and lifestyle.

In a world that never switches off, Eleni understands the pressures influencing our eating patterns and strives to collaborate with you to design a nutrition strategy that can be incorporated seamlessly into your everyday life. 

Growing up in a big Greek-Cypriot family, Eleni understands the important role food has in building connections, bringing people together and nourishing our bodies. She believes in a life free from restriction, where we can enjoy delicious food and feel amazing!

Eleni’s strong interpersonal skills and kind-hearted nature assists her in building rapport and trust.


With strong scientific evidence supporting its plentiful benefits in fertility, pregnancy, gestational diabetes and women’s health, Eleni works closely with the anti-inflammatory Mediterranean Diet, tailoring non-restrictive Mediterranean Diet principals to provide swaps that fit effortlessly into your daily routines.

She has contributed to The Mediterranean Diet – The Lifestyle of Eating and is currently co-authoring a vegan Mediterranean cookbook with fellow Vera dietitian, Desi Carlos.


As well as her nutrition expertise in fertility, pregnancy and women's health, Eleni is passionate about helping people achieve better gut health, a life free from discomfort or pain.



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Client review

Eleni Z has been so wonderful to work with and has made this journey towards a healthier me a very easy and seamless one… She has made the effort to really understand our family lifestyle, my love of entertaining and to make adaptations that have made a huge difference to our day to day family routine and life.

The flexibility offered through online sessions has been a really easy way to catch up and Eleni's gentle but encouraging style has been just the motivation I have needed to make changes for the long-term.

My deepest gratitude Eleni!

—    K.B.